Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to officially proclaim February “Black Chicago Month”. What does this mean? In honor of Black History Month, for the next three weeks we are collectively supporting Black Owned Businesses and events in our city. Here’s how you can join us:
Once you support a Black Owned Business, simply post about it to enter the contest to receive a $50 gift card to your favorite Black Owned business in Chicago. In order to enter you must do the following:
1. Snap a picture of you supporting the business
2. Upload the picture to Facebook or Instagram using the hashtags #BlackOwnedChicago AND #BlackChicagoMonth
3. Review the business you supported on our site
(If the business isn’t listed on our site let us know, we’ll get in touch!)
Two winners will be chosen every week!
Now that you have the all details, go out and support your community!
Happy Black Chicago Month!
I am a black business owner. How can I get my business on here?
Power Fitness Chicago review:
Power Fitness Chicago is a black owned business in Morgan Park, Chicago. Kisha and Jimmy Williams foster the best atmosphere to get fit and feel encouraged. I would recommend this fitness center for all ages. There are youth classes, adult classes, bootcamp, dance classes, etc. Kisha and Jimmy are great and love to assist those who are willing to become healthy through exercise and nutrition.
I hope this is the right place to do the review.